Blogger Widgets Blogger Widgets ¡Mira que luna......! Look at that moon....! Resources for learning English: BASIC DAILY ENGLISH VOCABULARY WITH PICTURES 02. ARM. 04-30-2011. 30-04-2011.

!Mira que luna! Look at that moon! Resources for learning English

!Mira que luna! Look at that moon! Resources for learning English
Fernando Olivera: El rapto.- TEXT FROM THE NOVEL The goldfinch by Donna Tartt (...) One night we were in San Antonio, and I was having a bit of a melt-down, wanting my own room, you know, my dog, my own bed, and Daddy lifted me up on the fairgrounds and told me to look at the moon. When "you feel homesick", he said, just look up. Because the moon is the same wherever you go". So after he died, and I had to go to Aunt Bess -I mean, even now, in the city, when I see a full moon, it's like he's telling me not to look back or feel sad about things, that home is wherever I am. She kissed me on the nose. Or where you are, puppy. The center of my earth is you". The goldfinch Donna Tartt 4441 English edition

Saturday, April 30, 2011


arm [countable]
one of the two long parts of your body between your shoulders and your hands:

Dave has a broken arm.
left/right arm
He had a tattoo on his left arm.
Tim's mother put her arms around him.
Pat was carrying a box under his arm.
He had a pile of books in his arms.
They walked along the beach arm in arm (=with their arms bent around each other's).
take somebody by the arm (=lead someone somewhere by holding their arm)
She took him by the arm and pushed him out of the door.
take somebody in your arms (=gently hold someone with your arms)
Gerry took Fiona in his arms and kissed her.
cross/fold your arms (=bend your arms so that they are resting on top of each other against your body)
He folded his arms and leaned back in his chair.
The old lady rushed to greet him, arms outstretched.
Definition from the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Advanced Learner's Dictionary.

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