Listening" - Effective Method of Listening Comprehension Improvoment
One of the
best ways to improve your comprehension of English is to listen to things you
can understand. But what should you listen to? Many people believe that they
should listen and watch programs about many different subjects to build their
vocabulary. It is possible to do that, but there is a problem with this method:
the vocabulary is different for each new topic, and you never get to hear the
words used more than once. We know that it often takes hearing something
several times before you really understand it. If you do “wide listening” –
listening to many different topics – you will not hear the vocabulary repeated
very much, and will not be able to pick up the words very quickly.
There is
another way to listen, what we will call “narrow listening.” Narrow
listening is when you listen or watch different programs on the same topic. For
example, if you are interested in the World Cup, you listen to three stories in
English about a specific game. Each story or program will talk about the same
things, using very similar vocabulary. By using narrow listening in this way,
you can hear the same words used over and over again, and have a more
opportunities to understand and acquire them. You may listen to a story about a
certain topic from three or four different Internet news programs in English,
such as the BBC, Voice of America, CNN, and others. Be sure to listen to
stories on the same topics or about the same news event. After listening to
them a couple of times, you will begin to understand more and more.
Read more clicking here: http://esl-advices.blogspot.com/2006/08/narrow-listening-effective-method-of.html
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