Blogger Widgets Blogger Widgets ¡Mira que luna......! Look at that moon....! Resources for learning English: DAILY VOCABULARY WITH PICTURES. Wet

!Mira que luna! Look at that moon! Resources for learning English

!Mira que luna! Look at that moon! Resources for learning English
Fernando Olivera: El rapto.- TEXT FROM THE NOVEL The goldfinch by Donna Tartt (...) One night we were in San Antonio, and I was having a bit of a melt-down, wanting my own room, you know, my dog, my own bed, and Daddy lifted me up on the fairgrounds and told me to look at the moon. When "you feel homesick", he said, just look up. Because the moon is the same wherever you go". So after he died, and I had to go to Aunt Bess -I mean, even now, in the city, when I see a full moon, it's like he's telling me not to look back or feel sad about things, that home is wherever I am. She kissed me on the nose. Or where you are, puppy. The center of my earth is you". The goldfinch Donna Tartt 4441 English edition

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


  • wet comparative wetter, superlative wettest
  • 1


    covered in or full of water or another liquid [≠ dry]:
  • I've washed your shirt but it's still wet.
  • wet grass
  • get (something) wet
  • Take an umbrella or you'll get wet.
  • wet with
  • His face was wet with sweat.
  • The man in the boat was wet through (=completely wet).
  • soaking/dripping/sopping wet (=very wet)
  • The towel was soaking wet.
  • 2


  • There's more wet weather on the way.
  • It's very wet outside.
  • the wettest summer on record
  • 3

    paint/ink etc

    not yet dry:
  • The paint's still wet.
  • 4


    British English informal someone who is wet does not have a strong character, or is not willing to do something that you think they should do - used to show disapproval:
  • Don't be so wet! Just tell them you don't want to go.
  • 5


    if a child or its nappy is wet, the nappy is full of urine
  • 6

     somebody is all wet

    American English informal someone is completely wrong
  • 7

     be wet behind the ears

    informal very young and without much experience of life
  • —wetly adverb
  • —wetness noun [uncountable]
  • WORD FOCUS: wet 
  • very wet: soaked, drenched
  • a little wet: damp, moist
  • wet and soft: soggy
  • when the air feels wet: humid, damp, muggy
  • WORD FOCUS: weather 
  • good weather: sunny/fine used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of sunshine
  • nice/lovely/glorious very sunny and good
  • bright if the weather is bright, the sun shines strongly
  • there isn't a cloud in the sky the sky is completely clear
  • dry if the weather is dry, it does not rain
  • fair sunny and not windy or rainy - used especially in weather forecasts
  • rain: wet/rainy/damp used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of rain
  • unsettled if the weather is unsettled, it keeps changing and it often rains
  • drizzle light rain which consists of very small drops of water
  • shower a short period of rain
  • downpour a short period when it suddenly rains very heavily
  • it's pouring down British English/it's pouring rain American English it is raining very hard
  • it's drizzling it is raining a little, with very small drops of rain
  • snow: snowy used to describe weather or a day when there is a lot of snow
  • sleet a mixture of snow and rain
  • slush a mixture of partly melted snow and ice
  • hail/hailstones frozen drops of rain, that fall as drops of ice
  • blizzard a storm with a lot of snow and strong wind
  • frost white powder that covers the ground when it is cold
  • wind: windy used to describe a day or weather when there is a lot of wind
  • blustery very windy
  • breeze a gentle pleasant wind
  • hurricane (in the Atlantic Ocean) /typhoon (in the Pacific Ocean) a violent storm with extremely strong winds
  • cloudy: cloudy used to describe weather or a day when there are a lot of clouds in the sky 
  • grey/dull cloudy and not bright
  • overcast if the sky is overcast, it is very cloudy and dark, and it is likely to rain
  • hazy not clear, especially because there is a slight mist caused by heat or smoke
  • hot: boiling/scorching/sizzling/blazing/burning/baking/broiling (hot)extremely hot
  • sweltering very hot and humid
  • warm a little hot, in a way that is pleasant
  • balmy pleasantly warm, with a gentle wind blowing
  • heatwave a period of unusually hot weather 
  • cold: freezing (cold) extremely cold
  • arctic extremely cold, usually with a lot of ice and snow
  • wintry cold and snowy or rainy, like the weather in winter
  • crisp if the air is crisp, it feels cold but pleasantly fresh and clear
  • chilly a little too cold, in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
  • cool a little cold, in a way that is pleasant
  • cold snap/cold spell a period of unusually cold weather

  • ➔ See also weather
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