Step-by-step craft books by designer makers:
According to How2crafts, Crafts are all about passing skills from person to person. But what if you don’t know people who make the stuff you want to make? What if you want to make soap for example, but don't know any soap makers? Well we’ve created the next best thing - we've got some experts together and commissioned them to write books. And the result? A book onsoap making written by a soap making expert; a book onprintmaking written by award-winning printmakers, and books onfelt making, handbags, acrylic jewellery and many more subjects. Reading one of our craft booksis like making friends with a pro' and then being invited to watch over their shoulder while they work their magic. As well as comprehensive instructions we’ve got step-by-step photographs of the items being made from start to finish.
And taking the conversation idea even further, we incorporate your examples, tips and comments in every new edition of each book, making them even more inspiring. Join in the conversation!
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